The Environmental Protection Agency is poised to dismantle the federal clean water rule, which protects waterways that provide drinking water for about a third of the US population.

Editor’s note: we made a web page where you can compare the Twitter posts of the @EPA and @altUSEPA.
The EPA, with the US Army, has proposed scrapping the rule in order to conduct a “substantive re-evaluation” of which rivers, streams, wetlands, and other bodies of water should be protected by the federal government. “We are taking significant action to return power to the states and provide regulatory certainty to our nation’s farmers and businesses,” said Scott Pruitt, administrator of the EPA.
Pruitt said the EPA would swiftly redefine clean water regulations in a “thoughtful, transparent and collaborative” way with other agencies and the public. Green groups, however, said the move pandered to fossil fuel and farming interests and was part of an agenda to weaken clean water protections. “Once again, the Trump administration has agreed to do the bidding of the worst polluters in our country, and once again it’s putting the health of American families and communities at risk.” “Once again, the Trump administration has agreed […]
Full article: A Third of Americans Are About to Have Their Drinking Water Deregulated by the EPA