Six of the ten largest US cities are located in the arid southwest region. Would that be the case if...
How the 2019 winter washed away California’s drought
Photo: Aerial view of snow-capped Sierra Nevada mountains. Credit: NOAA Monday, March 25th 2019, 11:47 am – Every major reservoir...
What does a water treatment plant do?
You probably know about water treatment plants. You may have driven or walked past one in your home town. But...
Dirty water 20 times deadlier to children in conflict zones than bullets – Unicef
World Water Day study highlights lethal nature of unsafe sanitation and hygiene for children, especially under-fives Children under five who...
Who keeps buying California’s scarce water? Saudi Arabia
Saudi-based Almarai owns 15,000 acres of an irrigated valley – but what business does a foreign food production company have...