When Florida Sea Grant director Karl Havens, who is a well-regarded expert on water and has studied pollution all over...
Clock Ticking on Florida’s Mountains of Hazardous Phosphate Waste
One of the largest fertilizer manufacturing plants in the world sits about six miles southwest of the Polk County hamlet...
Commentary: Florida’s great green algae disaster
We asked for it… us and Rick Scott Imagine for a moment that you see a guy slowly reaching toward...
The lesser-known threat from sea-level rise? Saltwater intrusion into Florida’s freshwater wells.
When it comes to sea-level rise, Miami is usually deemed ground zero. Time-lapse maps depict the creeping rise of blue,...
Don’t Rebuild The Florida Keys
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Hurricane Irma devastated large portions of the Florida Keys—the 100-mile ribbon of low lying narrow...