County officials continue to approve new building permits close to shore despite rising seas. As the cars whiz by on...
Ag land values benefit from groundwater recharge, runoff
Photo: Fresno Irrigation District General Manager Bill Stretch continues a management acumen of groundwater recharge borne from his predecessor. Agricultural...
Revamped State Park On Kauai Is A Case Study For Beating Overtourism, Officials Say
Photo: Haena State Park offers swimming at Kee Beach, as well as views of restored taro fields, ancient sea caves...
Curbside Capture of Desert Rain
Photo: The city of Tucson, Arizona, imports the majority of its water from the drought-stricken Colorado River, via the 336...
Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to ‘Extreme’ Water Recycling
Photo: A rooftop wetland on the Salesforce Transit Center in San Francisco filters wastewater from sinks and showers for reuse....