In the phrasing of some indigenous elders of North America: “Water is the blood of our Mother, the Earth.” They remind us it is our own lifeblood, too, and that of all the coming generations.
This website intends to be of service in these ways:

- Make it easy to explore reliable facts about public and private water supplies, aquifers, and watersheds.
- Present water data in ways non-experts can understand, neither minimizing nor omitting detail.
- Be sufficiently reliable, grounded, and accurate that, for example, water-district managers and municipal authorities find this site useful and informative.
- Provide resources, and/or links to them, to help site visitors interpret the significance of various water-quality data.
- Report about issues, news, opportunities, and actions related to water resources.
Staying informed is crucial to making decisions that can powerfully affect the future of the world and its creatures, even beyond the children of our grandchildren. Thank you for your interest, you are welcome here.