On May 16, 2023, the Board of Supervisors cemented Contra Costa County as a local leader in sea level rise adaptation and resilience efforts with the establishment of the Contra Costa Resilient Shoreline Ad Hoc Committee on Sea Level Rise (“Committee on Sea Level Rise”).
The Committee on Sea Level Rise’s work will focus on developing Contra Costa County sea level rise adaptation and resilience project recommendations for the full Board’s consideration. The Committee on Sea Level Rise furthermore provides a dedicated space for Contra Costa County to consider how local sea level rise adaptation and resilience efforts can complement regional efforts happening across the San Francisco Bay. Supervisor John Gioia will serve as chair of the Committee on Sea Level Rise and Supervisor Diane Burgis will serve as vice-chair. The Committee on Sea Level Rise will be staffed by Department of Conservation and Development staff and funded through Measure X.
The impacts of sea level rise are well-documented and projected to become more intense and frequent under changing climate conditions. Contra Costa County has been actively involved in sea level rise planning and vulnerability assessments since 2015 through regional planning efforts coordinated by the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) and Delta Stewardship Council.
Sea level rise, by its very nature, does not conform to jurisdictional boundaries. As such, regional sea level rise planning and implementation efforts are poised to benefit the whole region. However, the recent Sea Level Rise Adaptation Funding and Investment Framework study conducted by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Association of Bay Area Governments, and BCDC revealed significant gaps in local jurisdictions’ adaptation planning efforts. The biggest adaptation implementation gap was identified in Contra Costa County.
With the passage of Measure X and the establishment of the Committee on Sea Level Rise, County staff is working to […]
Full article: contracosta.news
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