South Florida Water Shortage Warning: Lawn Watering Limits

At its April 13 meeting, the SFWMD Governing Board issued a water shortage warning for all 16 counties in the District in response to falling water levels and extremely dry conditions that are expected to linger. The most beneficial conservation practice for South Florida residents is to follow mandatory year-round landscape irrigation conservation measures listed on this page.

Water Shortage Order No. 2017-026-DAO-WS:
Water Shortage Warning for all Use Classes
Withdrawing Surface and Groundwater within the Boundaries of the South Florida Water Management District

Lawn watering is limited all year in South Florida by the South Florida Water Management District’s Year-Round Landscape Irrigation Rule and local ordinances. (NOTE: Local governments may adopt water shortage orders with alternate schedules. Please check with your city or county to see if any are in effect.) Click the list of counties or the map below to find the days and times when you can water in your area. The Year-Round Landscape Irrigation Rule is a component of the South Florida Water Management District’s Comprehensive Water Conservation Program, which was established to encourage more responsible use of water resources […]

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South Florida Water Shortage Warning: Lawn Watering Limits

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