October 3, 2017 — The NOAA research vessel Hiialakai returned Saturday from a 25-day trip to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands in Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument.
A team of scientists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has returned from a month-long trip to Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument with reams of research on coral and fish populations. The new information is expected to help scientists and government managers build on their understanding of marine life in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and the threats that climate change present there as well as in the Main Hawaiian Islands.
Atsuko Fukunaga, the expedition’s chief scientist, said Saturday that in general the reefs “seem to be doing good” this year but some sites are still recovering from severe coral bleaching over the past few years. She and the rest of the team will be unpacking and analyzing the data to make a more precise health assessment in the coming months.
The NOAA research vessel Hi’ialakai returned Saturday from a 25-day trip to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands in Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Roughly 20 NOAA scientists, with help from three University of Hawaii students, took thousands of underwater photos of corals at some 200 sites around French Frigate Shoals, Lisianski, Kure, Pearl and Hermes, Laysan and Midway atolls during the 25-day trip. They also deployed baited remote underwater video stations […]
Full article: The State Of Coral In The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
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