
EPA releases information that states and Tribes can use to protect local fish from toxic tire chemicalsEPA releases information that states and Tribes can use to protect local fish from toxic tire chemicals

EPA releases information that states and Tribes can use to protect local fish from toxic tire chemicals

From the US EPA: Today, June 10 [2024], the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published water quality screening values under the…

9 months ago
Permeable pavements could reduce coho-killing tire pollutantsPermeable pavements could reduce coho-killing tire pollutants

Permeable pavements could reduce coho-killing tire pollutants

A returning Coho Salmon at the Suquamish Tribe's Grovers Creek Hatchery in Poulsbo, WA. Photo by K. King, USFWS. [...]…

1 year ago
EPA Plans Rulemaking on Tire Chemical 6PPD That Pollutes Bodies of WaterEPA Plans Rulemaking on Tire Chemical 6PPD That Pollutes Bodies of Water

EPA Plans Rulemaking on Tire Chemical 6PPD That Pollutes Bodies of Water

Action triggered by petition concerning indirect impact on salmon habitats EPA officials say a chemical used in tire production reacts…

1 year ago