Commentary: The coronavirus crisis reminds those of us in the water world of the importance of the systems which sustain...
CSIRO and Goanna Ag develop technology to predict crop water needs
KEEPING AN EYE: A Goanna Ag canopy sensor on a tomato crop near Swan Hill, Victoria. The CSIRO and local...
3 ways to put water onto the climate agenda
Coming up: World Water Day 2020 One of the most significant, yet ignored, impacts of climate change is its disruption...
Feds say Tule groundwater could continue to sink
Despite groundwater sustainability plans, Bureau of Reclamation says capacity of Friant-Kern Canal could fall by another 10% in the coming...
When dams cause more problems than they solve, removing them can pay off for people and nature
Photo: Maine’s Penobscot River flows freely where the Veazie Dam once stood. Dam removals have reopened the river to 12...