
America uses 322 billion gallons of water each day. Here’s where it goes.America uses 322 billion gallons of water each day. Here’s where it goes.

America uses 322 billion gallons of water each day. Here’s where it goes.

Photo © From cooling power plants to quenching thirst and growing crops, water is part of everything we do.…

6 years ago
Fish farms: ‘…still using the ocean as a toilet’Fish farms: ‘…still using the ocean as a toilet’

Fish farms: ‘…still using the ocean as a toilet’

Photo: NDP Fisheries critic Fin Donnelly would like to see all aquaculture operations moved to land. (Clayoquot Action) NDP Fisheries…

7 years ago
Can Deepwater Aquaculture Avoid the Pitfalls of Coastal Fish Farms?Can Deepwater Aquaculture Avoid the Pitfalls of Coastal Fish Farms?

Can Deepwater Aquaculture Avoid the Pitfalls of Coastal Fish Farms?

An open-ocean fish farm in Hawaii. Courtesy of Bryce Groark Near-shore fish farms have created a host of environmental problems.…

7 years ago