Freshwater Is Disappearing; Can Technology Save Us? Fresh water is the most important resource for human life on earth. People...
On the Chesapeake, A Precarious Future of Rising Seas and High Tides
Mike Draper raised his house in southern Dorchester County seven feet to protect it from rising waters. PHOTO BY DAVE...
Bringing the Chesapeake Bay to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor
The National Aquarium, located in the heart of the nation’s largest estuary, is bringing back estuarine landscapes to Baltimore City....
Scientists uncover a centuries-old case of mistaken identity in the Chesapeake Bay
Jellyfish sting swimmers, clog fishing nets, and in high numbers can close beaches. But despite their nuisance to humans, they...
Meat industry blamed for largest-ever ‘dead zone’ in Gulf of Mexico
The global meat industry, already implicated in driving global warming and deforestation, has now been blamed for fueling what is...