
Can Seawalls Save Us?

Huge coastal barriers could protect the world’s cities. But they’ll have unexpected costs. Pacifica, California, just south of San Francisco, is…

1 year ago

Dune restoration could increase the resilience of urban beaches to sea level rise

Photo: Beach bur, a native plant that helped to form dunes on a section of Santa Monica Beach in Los…

1 year ago

California attempts a ‘managed retreat,’ coastal homeowners sue to stay

Photo: Surfers walk along a shrinking beach in San Clemente, California, south of Los Angeles. Mark Rightmire / MediaNews Group…

2 years ago

This sinking isle: homeowners battling coastal erosion

Photo: A house on the edge of the cliffs at Easton Bavents, Southwold, Suffolk. Photograph: Graham Turner/Guardian As sea levels rise,…

2 years ago

What’s being done to restore wetlands?

Photo: As part of wetland restoration in New Jersey, teams intentionally added sediment. These additions to a degraded coastal marsh…

5 years ago