commercial use

Tribes guard the Klamath River’s fish, water and lands as restoration begins at last

Photo: Doreen Ashley (left) and Gloria Mattz (right), fish technicians at the Yurok Fisheries Program, do all they can to…

12 months ago

California could have avoided salmon season shutdown. Did we learn nothing last time?

Photo: Fishing boats docked in Bodega Bay on Mar. 3, 2023. Photo by Martin do Nascimento, CalMatters In summary The…

2 years ago

Regulators signal no California salmon season this year amid dismal return of adult fish

Photo: Stephen James caught the only salmon at the 2016 Albion Open kayak fishing tournament in Albion, CA. (JOHN BURGESS/The…

2 years ago

Why? Billions of snow crabs disappear from Bering Sea

Photo: A snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) pictured underwater in Canada. There were once billions of snow crabs in the Bering…

2 years ago

NOAA Rejects Wespac’s Proposed Fishing Rule for Hawaii Marine National Monument

Photo: NOAA has rejected Wespac’s proposed rule to allow Native Hawaiian subsistence fishermen to recoup their cost of fishing in…

2 years ago