coral bleaching

Saving corals requires cutting carbon emissions, study finds

Porites evermanni. (Photo credit: Keoki Stender) The eight most common species of coral around the islands can adapt to ocean…

6 months ago

Super corals, a not-so-super term?

From the deep sea to the arctic frontier and tropical coastlines, corals have formed the foundations of many ecosystems. Coral…

1 year ago

Double whammy killed coral reefs off Texas coast

Photo: This colony of Spiny Flower Coral (Mussa angulosa) shows sections that are partially bleached, completely bleached, and even some…

5 years ago

Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds

Rising ocean temperatures can bleach corals, like these off of Papua New Guinea. Jurgen Freund/NPL/Minden Pictures Scientists say the world’s…

6 years ago

The State of Coral in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

October 3, 2017 — The NOAA research vessel Hiialakai returned Saturday from a 25-day trip to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands…

7 years ago