Dakota Access

North Dakota Seeks to Restrict Access to Public Records After Standing Rock Reporting Exposed Law Enforcement AbusesNorth Dakota Seeks to Restrict Access to Public Records After Standing Rock Reporting Exposed Law Enforcement Abuses

North Dakota Seeks to Restrict Access to Public Records After Standing Rock Reporting Exposed Law Enforcement Abuses

Police detain Ricardo Salazar, 25, in a Dakota Access pipeline opposition camp near Cannon Ball, N.D., on Feb. 23, 2017.…

6 years ago
The women fighting a pipeline that could destroy precious wildlifeThe women fighting a pipeline that could destroy precious wildlife

The women fighting a pipeline that could destroy precious wildlife

Activists travel past the site where the Bayou Bridge pipeline will cross underneath the Atchafalaya river. Photograph: Joe Whittle for…

6 years ago
Out of spotlight, tribes keep fighting Dakota pipelineOut of spotlight, tribes keep fighting Dakota pipeline

Out of spotlight, tribes keep fighting Dakota pipeline

Photo: DAPL pipeline protesters 9/25/2016 (Morton Co. Sheriff) (Reuters) - Native American tribes that tried to block the Dakota Access…

7 years ago