DPSCD has been using water stations and bottled water while the district determines a permanent means to deliver safe, clean...
“They lied to us” about contaminated groundwater, say residents near Ford’s Livonia plant
Photo: Monica O’Connor and Bruce Tenniswood on the porch of her Alden Village home. Credit: Tracy Samilton / Michigan Radio...
Detroit schools shutting off drinking water because of lead, copper
Click the link below to view the USA TODAY motion graphic showing how lead can get into your drinking water,...
How a Pediatrician Became a Detective
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha playfully talked to 2-month-old patient Taeyana Brown who has had to drink only bottled water since her...
Federal Judge Orders All Parties In Flint Water Case Into Mediation
ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: Hundreds of people in Flint, Mich. have filed lawsuits over that city’s lead water crisis. They’re seeking...