Photo: A sea otter in the estuarine water of Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California. (Emma Levy via Courthouse News) The...
Water supplies: states grapple with how to grow in drying West
POLITICO illustration/Photos by iStock Communities are being forced to confront the challenge of not enough water to support building into...
Rebate program helps HOAs become grand-scale water savers
Photo: Landscape renovations of the common area of the 49-home Mall III Lake San Marcos Homeowners Assocation included the removal...
“Destination Stewardship” — the plan to save Tahoe from itself has arrived
Photo: Tahoe community leaders are determined to dampen the negative impacts of the estimated 15 million people who visit the lake...
No time to waste for government to protect drought-stricken West
For decades, Western cities like Las Vegas and Tucson, Ariz., have embraced water conservation and recycling as a means of...