
Trump Eases Pollution Controls on Streams and Wetlands

Photo: Farmland abutting prairie potholes, a type of ephemeral wetland, in North Dakota.Jim Brandenburg/Minden Pictures WASHINGTON — The Trump administration…

5 years ago

Wall Street spends millions to buy up Washington state water

Photo: Don Lundgren’s family ranch sits next to the Chewuch River. Lundgren hoped to sell water rights to Crown Columbia…

5 years ago

Dwindling groundwater, ever-deeper wells could spell trouble for Arizonans

Araceli Silva moved to her colonia near Yuma decades ago 27 years ago. She’s struggled with her wells, which have…

5 years ago

Differences Remain Over Addressing CAFO Compliance, Enforcement

No one is completely satisfied with action this week from the Republican-led Joint Finance Committee on proposed fees and additional…

6 years ago

Membrane technology to address excess water problem on Washington dairy

“We really don’t have a nutrient problem; we have a water problem,” states Galen Smith, partner and general manager of…

6 years ago