
Trump Eases Pollution Controls on Streams and WetlandsTrump Eases Pollution Controls on Streams and Wetlands

Trump Eases Pollution Controls on Streams and Wetlands

Photo: Farmland abutting prairie potholes, a type of ephemeral wetland, in North Dakota.Jim Brandenburg/Minden Pictures WASHINGTON — The Trump administration…

5 years ago
Wall Street spends millions to buy up Washington state waterWall Street spends millions to buy up Washington state water

Wall Street spends millions to buy up Washington state water

Photo: Don Lundgren’s family ranch sits next to the Chewuch River. Lundgren hoped to sell water rights to Crown Columbia…

5 years ago
Dwindling groundwater, ever-deeper wells could spell trouble for ArizonansDwindling groundwater, ever-deeper wells could spell trouble for Arizonans

Dwindling groundwater, ever-deeper wells could spell trouble for Arizonans

Araceli Silva moved to her colonia near Yuma decades ago 27 years ago. She’s struggled with her wells, which have…

6 years ago
Differences Remain Over Addressing CAFO Compliance, EnforcementDifferences Remain Over Addressing CAFO Compliance, Enforcement

Differences Remain Over Addressing CAFO Compliance, Enforcement

No one is completely satisfied with action this week from the Republican-led Joint Finance Committee on proposed fees and additional…

6 years ago
Membrane technology to address excess water problem on Washington dairyMembrane technology to address excess water problem on Washington dairy

Membrane technology to address excess water problem on Washington dairy

“We really don’t have a nutrient problem; we have a water problem,” states Galen Smith, partner and general manager of…

6 years ago