
The seed that could bring clean water to millions

(left) Unshelled M. oleifera seeds, (middle) shelled seeds, (right) crushed seeds before protein extraction Credit: Carnegie Mellon University College of…

7 years ago

Brain-damaging lead in tap water, hundreds of homes across Chicago

After city testing found high lead levels in the tap water in her Chicago home, Jenny Abrahamian decided to install…

7 years ago

Research Becomes Reality in Study of Fire Impact on Sonoma Water Resources

Photo: Berkeley Lab researchers, including Michelle Newcomer (right), are collaborating with USGS and the Sonoma County Water Agency to study…

7 years ago

Removing Trace Metals From Stormwater at Industrial Hard Chrome Plating Facility

Industrial stormwater can contain trace metals above regulatory limits. Although standard water treatment processes are available to treat this water,…

7 years ago

How is tap water treated? What causes a boil-water advisory?

We take our tap water for granted until we're told we can't drink it. (Photo: Latte Art/Shutterstock) In the wake…

7 years ago