firefighting foams

An aerial fire retardant is widely used in Northern California. Is it harming the environment?An aerial fire retardant is widely used in Northern California. Is it harming the environment?

An aerial fire retardant is widely used in Northern California. Is it harming the environment?

Photo: Russian Riverkeeper’s Birkin Newell surveys Mill Creek and the now regrowing redwoods, Tuesday, April 4, 2023 that dot the…

2 years ago
Scientists: new way to get ‘forever chemicals’ linked to cancer out of our waterScientists: new way to get ‘forever chemicals’ linked to cancer out of our water

Scientists: new way to get ‘forever chemicals’ linked to cancer out of our water

Photo: Clarkson University professors Tom Holsen and Selma Mededovic in front of a plasma reactor. Clarkson University They're in the…

5 years ago
Well water users warned, Air Force Academy finds toxic level of firefighting chemicalWell water users warned, Air Force Academy finds toxic level of firefighting chemical

Well water users warned, Air Force Academy finds toxic level of firefighting chemical

Air Force Academy firefighters training a quarter century ago released a torrent of toxic perfluorinated chemicals that seeped into groundwater…

6 years ago

Are you drinking PFAS?

According to a study by Harvard University, more than 16 million residents in America regularly drink water that is contaminated…

6 years ago
Members of Congress to question EPA, DoD on ‘forever chemicals’Members of Congress to question EPA, DoD on ‘forever chemicals’

Members of Congress to question EPA, DoD on ‘forever chemicals’

Video screenshot, click link below to view: Exposure to some types of PFAS linked to hormone disruption, miscarriages, developmental issues,…

6 years ago