Over 140 projects identified to revitalize functional ecosystems and support multiple native fish species Shortnose suckers (Koptu) are an imperiled...
NOAA Rejects Wespac’s Proposed Fishing Rule for Hawaii Marine National Monument
Photo: NOAA has rejected Wespac’s proposed rule to allow Native Hawaiian subsistence fishermen to recoup their cost of fishing in...
Let’s turn the high seas into the world’s largest nature reserve
TED Talk: What if we could save the fishing industry and protect the ocean at the same time? Marine ecologist...
California hit hard as Trump weakens clean water protections
Photo: Under the new rule, the Clean Water Act’s protections would no longer apply to most small streams and wetlands,...
A legal loss in Florida’s water war | Editorial
A special master appointed by the U.S. Supreme Court has said that Florida – not Georgia – is to blame...