
What About Lead?

Since 2014, and the crisis that rocked the community of Flint, Mich., lead in drinking water has been a topic…

7 years ago

No One Has the Data to Prevent the Next Flint

Jim WEST/REPORT DIGITAL-REA/Redux You have no real way of knowing if your town, your family, or your children face the…

8 years ago

Flint Water Crisis

As bad as things are in Flint, Michigan – and they are REALLY BAD – in the past couple of…

8 years ago

America has a water crisis no one is talking about

Access to clean water is a basic human right. Yet for 14 million US households, or 12 percent of homes,…

8 years ago

“Superman Is Not Coming”: Erin Brockovich on the Future of Water

Erin Brockovich speaks at the 2016 Arizona Ultimate Women's Expo at the Phoenix Convention Center. Phoenix, Arizona, October 9, 2016.…

8 years ago