
World Water Day: Must-Watch DocumentariesWorld Water Day: Must-Watch Documentaries

World Water Day: Must-Watch Documentaries

From Kenyan water women, to Iran's drought crisis and a polluted paradise: our picks for World Water Day, and every…

6 years ago
To fix the reef we first need to fix the land – but where do we start?To fix the reef we first need to fix the land – but where do we start?

To fix the reef we first need to fix the land – but where do we start?

Photo: The Great Barrier Reef, Northern Queensland, Australia Rivers deliver sediment from land to the ocean. This sediment contains nutrients…

6 years ago
How About That Water Quality? Ocean AcidificationHow About That Water Quality? Ocean Acidification

How About That Water Quality? Ocean Acidification

Talking about water quality isn’t most people’s idea of the ideal ice breaker. In the Lowcountry (loosely defined as coastal…

7 years ago
Exploring the Hydrodynamics of Sediment Diversion at Mid-BaratariaExploring the Hydrodynamics of Sediment Diversion at Mid-Barataria

Exploring the Hydrodynamics of Sediment Diversion at Mid-Barataria

This is part two of the series “Building Land in Coastal Louisiana: Expert Recommendations for Operating a Successful Sediment Diversion…

7 years ago
Understanding chemical byproducts formed during water treatmentUnderstanding chemical byproducts formed during water treatment

Understanding chemical byproducts formed during water treatment

IMAGE: During flash flooding, water treatment systems can become overwhelmed, allowing untreated effluent and household chemicals to flow into local…

7 years ago