In the Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and California, at least 79,000 metric tons of plastic has coalesced to create the Great Pacific...
What is the great pacific garbage patch?
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the largest accumulation of ocean plastic in the world and is located between Hawaii...
The Ocean Cleanup, Part 1: Alternatives to reduce ocean plastic
Photo: Shutterstock, providing many images of a polluted ocean. This is the first of two-part post. This installment is written by...
Fiberglass – An Overlooked Aquatic Pollutant
From garbage gyres that choke aquatic life to microplastics that accumulate in the human body, plastic pollution in the ocean is a huge problem. People are...
Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Nestlé found to be worst plastic polluters…
…worldwide in global cleanups and brand audits Photo: A Greenpeace diver holds a banner reading “Coca-Cola is this yours?” and...