
Engineered sand zaps storm water pollutantsEngineered sand zaps storm water pollutants

Engineered sand zaps storm water pollutants

Reclaimed storm water may provide a local source of drinking water for parched communities. (MPCA Photos, via Flickr) UC Berkeley…

7 years ago
Farmers Face Tough Choice On Controversial WeedkillerFarmers Face Tough Choice On Controversial Weedkiller

Farmers Face Tough Choice On Controversial Weedkiller

Photo: Farmers attend Dicamba training in Cadiz, Kentucky. Nicole Erwin | Ohio Valley ReSource Jeff McGrew stood in line with…

7 years ago
Can American soil be brought back to life?Can American soil be brought back to life?

Can American soil be brought back to life?

Four generations of Jonathan Cobb’s family tended the same farm in Rogers, Texas, growing row upon row of corn and…

7 years ago

New report: Unregulated contaminants common in drinking water

Traces of 18 unregulated chemicals were found in drinking water from more than one-third of U.S. water utilities in a…

8 years ago