For the first time in more than a century, a salmon was observed swimming through Klamath River waters formerly blocked by...
A Geography of Hope
The Copco 2 dam, built in 1925, was the smallest of the four Klamath dams slated for removal. Photo by...
‘Grey infrastructure’ can’t meet future water storage needs
Photo: Aerial view of the Saint Etienne Cantales hydroelectric dam in France. | Romain Longieras A new study maps how energy and...
Saving salmon: Gov. Newsom unveils blueprint for ending decades-long decline
Photo by Steve Martarano By Rachel Becker, Cal Matters With salmon populations throughout California declining for decades and facing the threat...
Russian-Eel River stakeholders effort to find path forward without defunct power plant
Newly formed Russian River Water Forum will consider alternatives without hydroelectric plant that shunted Eel River water into the Russian...