The United States has long been known as a country willing to take gigantic risks in order to build innovative...
The US has pumped so much groundwater that it’s literally splitting the ground open across the American Southwest
Photo: A fissure tears open earth and roots in North Sulphur Springs Valley, Arizona. Joesph Cook/AZGS The United States has been...
Future-Proofing Vineyards: Expert Perspectives on AI, Water Management and Climate Resilience
Navigating climate change in viticulture by water management automation, climate-friendly farming, and AI advancements Note: This article summarizes key insights...
Flowing Downhill to Money
Photo: PGHolbrook How Corporate Growers Are Using Taxpayer Funds to Seize California’s Water The Central Valley Project — the sprawling...
Harvest Water Program Awarded $277.5 Million in Prop. 1 Funds
Multi-purpose Project Will Use Up to 50,000 Acre-feet of Recycled Water for Irrigation in South Sacramento County PRESS RELEASE Regional...