Native Americans

A Geography of HopeA Geography of Hope

A Geography of Hope

The Copco 2 dam, built in 1925, was the smallest of the four Klamath dams slated for removal. Photo by…

7 months ago

CDFW: Beavers are back on Tule River Tribal lands in the Southern Sierra Nevada

After years of work by the Tule River Tribe, a family of seven beavers has been released into the South…

9 months ago
US acknowledges Northwest dams have devastated the region’s Native tribesUS acknowledges Northwest dams have devastated the region’s Native tribes

US acknowledges Northwest dams have devastated the region’s Native tribes

FILE - Water spills over the Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River, which runs along the Washington and Oregon state…

9 months ago
EPA releases information that states and Tribes can use to protect local fish from toxic tire chemicalsEPA releases information that states and Tribes can use to protect local fish from toxic tire chemicals

EPA releases information that states and Tribes can use to protect local fish from toxic tire chemicals

From the US EPA: Today, June 10 [2024], the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published water quality screening values under the…

10 months ago
Cocopah Tribe: habitat restoration along the Colorado River to address climate changeCocopah Tribe: habitat restoration along the Colorado River to address climate change

Cocopah Tribe: habitat restoration along the Colorado River to address climate change

Map: Tribe will restore areas along the Colorado River to address climate change. The Cocopah Tribe will work on riparian…

1 year ago