New Mexico

Texas-New Mexico water fight could be impacted by SCOTUS ruling

A U.S. Supreme Court decision on Wednesday in a water fight between Florida and Georgia could have implications for a…

6 years ago

New Mexico official: Texans are ‘stealing’ water and selling it back for fracking

After you head northeast on Ranch Road 652 from tiny Orla, it’s easy to miss the precise moment you leave…

7 years ago

In water-scarce Southwest, ancient irrigation system disrupts big agriculture

Water in the American Southwest has never been abundant. Its availability fluctuates depending on conditions like drought and mountain snowpack…

7 years ago

New Mexico communities struggle to deliver water free of uranium

SANTA CRUZ — Eloy Jacquez lives in the house his parents built on Los Lujans Road in 1948. There was…

7 years ago

Cooling Method for Supercomputers Uses Gray Water

New cooling method for supercomputers to save millions of gallons of water. Sandia engineer David J. Martinez examines the cooling…

8 years ago