New York

The Many Benefits of Wetlands ConservationThe Many Benefits of Wetlands Conservation

The Many Benefits of Wetlands Conservation

Photo © KEN ARCHER By J. Dale James, Ph.D., and Ellen R. Herbert, Ph.D. Wetlands are among the most valuable…

6 years ago

New York governor signs law mandating lead testing in schools

(Photo: Peter Carr/The Journal News) ALBANY — Schools in New York will have to test drinking water for lead contamination.…

7 years ago
Cleansing the Air at the Expense of WaterwaysCleansing the Air at the Expense of Waterways

Cleansing the Air at the Expense of Waterways

Father Rodney Torbic, the priest at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, lives across the road from Hatfield’s Ferry and…

7 years ago
Can Deepwater Aquaculture Avoid the Pitfalls of Coastal Fish Farms?Can Deepwater Aquaculture Avoid the Pitfalls of Coastal Fish Farms?

Can Deepwater Aquaculture Avoid the Pitfalls of Coastal Fish Farms?

An open-ocean fish farm in Hawaii. Courtesy of Bryce Groark Near-shore fish farms have created a host of environmental problems.…

7 years ago
Controversial insecticides pervasive in Great Lakes tributariesControversial insecticides pervasive in Great Lakes tributaries

Controversial insecticides pervasive in Great Lakes tributaries

A variety of neonicotinoids—harmful to aquatic organisms—are reported in major Great Lakes streams U.S. scientists found neonicotinoid insecticides in about…

7 years ago