
Seabirds Comeback: How Restoration Efforts Can Combat Climate ChangeSeabirds Comeback: How Restoration Efforts Can Combat Climate Change

Seabirds Comeback: How Restoration Efforts Can Combat Climate Change

Photo: Puffins return to their summer breeding grounds on the Farne Islands on May 16, 2013, in Farne, England.  (Jeff…

2 years ago
Humpback Whales Are ‘Remarkably Resilient’ Even Amid Climate Crisis, New Study ShowsHumpback Whales Are ‘Remarkably Resilient’ Even Amid Climate Crisis, New Study Shows

Humpback Whales Are ‘Remarkably Resilient’ Even Amid Climate Crisis, New Study Shows

Photo: An estimated 10,000 to 12,000 humpbacks travel to Hawaii waters to breed, give birth and nurse their young each…

2 years ago
The oceans just reached their hottest temperature on record as El Niño loomsThe oceans just reached their hottest temperature on record as El Niño looms

The oceans just reached their hottest temperature on record as El Niño looms

Photo: La Niña has ended and El Niño will form during hurricane season, forecasters say. Here are 6 things to…

2 years ago
Joint NASA mission: first stunning views of Earth’s surface waterJoint NASA mission: first stunning views of Earth’s surface water

Joint NASA mission: first stunning views of Earth’s surface water

Image: This visualization shows water features on New York’s Long Island—shown as bright pink splotches. Purple, yellow, green, and dark…

2 years ago
Biden To Create New Marine Sanctuary In PacificBiden To Create New Marine Sanctuary In Pacific

Biden To Create New Marine Sanctuary In Pacific

Photo: Palmyra Atoll, about 900 miles south of Hawaii, is part of the Pacific Remote Islands National Marine Monument. (Courtesy:…

2 years ago