By Franco Montalto, Drexel University “When it rains, it pours” once was a metaphor for bad things happening in clusters....
Permeable pavements could reduce coho-killing tire pollutants
A returning Coho Salmon at the Suquamish Tribe’s Grovers Creek Hatchery in Poulsbo, WA. Photo by K. King, USFWS. […]...
Oakland’s creeks once flowed free from the hills to the Bay. What’s their future?
Photo: Sausal Creek overflowing its banks during a rainstrom in 2022. Credit: Daniel Danzig It’s hard to tell now, but...
Russian River environment: Taking the dirty out of stormwater
After the first few rains, our Sonoma County landscape transforms from parched golden brown to rich hues that host a...
Nature is teaching … are we learning?
The three major challenges in the water sector can be summed up as too little, too much or too dirty....