
California introduces rule to end fracking in the stateCalifornia introduces rule to end fracking in the state

California introduces rule to end fracking in the state

The proposed regulation will phase out fracking in the light of increasing public concern about the practice and its contribution…

1 year ago
Permeable pavements could reduce coho-killing tire pollutantsPermeable pavements could reduce coho-killing tire pollutants

Permeable pavements could reduce coho-killing tire pollutants

A returning Coho Salmon at the Suquamish Tribe's Grovers Creek Hatchery in Poulsbo, WA. Photo by K. King, USFWS. [...]…

1 year ago
EPA Plans Rulemaking on Tire Chemical 6PPD That Pollutes Bodies of WaterEPA Plans Rulemaking on Tire Chemical 6PPD That Pollutes Bodies of Water

EPA Plans Rulemaking on Tire Chemical 6PPD That Pollutes Bodies of Water

Action triggered by petition concerning indirect impact on salmon habitats EPA officials say a chemical used in tire production reacts…

1 year ago
Pope Francis: ‘Irresponsible’ Western Lifestyles Push the World to ‘the Breaking Point’ on ClimatePope Francis: ‘Irresponsible’ Western Lifestyles Push the World to ‘the Breaking Point’ on Climate

Pope Francis: ‘Irresponsible’ Western Lifestyles Push the World to ‘the Breaking Point’ on Climate

The 86-year-old leader of the 1.3 billion-member Catholic Church bluntly urges more aggressive action to curb emissions at the next…

1 year ago
Navy Reprimands Red Hill Leaders 2 Years After Fuel SpillsNavy Reprimands Red Hill Leaders 2 Years After Fuel Spills

Navy Reprimands Red Hill Leaders 2 Years After Fuel Spills

Photo: Rear Adm. Timothy Kott, former commander of Navy Region Hawaii, has already retired. Under his leadership, there were no…

1 year ago