
Some curious things about water management

Chicken photo courtesy of Jose Maria Plazaola, Wikimedia Commons user. Water management is often very different from what we think…

10 months ago

Smart Water Policies to Achieve Urban Water Security

Photo: https://pixabay.com/en/helicopter-ride-flight-exciting-1218974/ Traditionally, urban water managers have relied on large-scale, supply-side infrastructural projects to meet increased demands for water. This…

6 years ago

Can Deepwater Aquaculture Avoid the Pitfalls of Coastal Fish Farms?

An open-ocean fish farm in Hawaii. Courtesy of Bryce Groark Near-shore fish farms have created a host of environmental problems.…

7 years ago

Wisconsin DNR Sets Hearing on Foxconn Water Diversion

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has scheduled a public hearing on Racine officials' request to pull 7 million gallons…

7 years ago

Rep. John Forbes: Iowa water quality bill is watered down

The House along a mostly party line vote passed a watered-down Iowa water quality bill — an effort that even…

7 years ago