
How Removing Asphalt Is Softening Our CitiesHow Removing Asphalt Is Softening Our Cities

How Removing Asphalt Is Softening Our Cities

Portland alley advocates estimate there are 76 miles of alleys in their city—all potential green public spaces. This northeast Portland…

6 years ago
Want to combat climate change? Take care of our oceansWant to combat climate change? Take care of our oceans

Want to combat climate change? Take care of our oceans

Photo: A lobster fishing boat heads out to sea at sunrise from Portland, Maine. New 2018 data indicates that the…

6 years ago
Oregon’s Niagara Falls, RevealedOregon’s Niagara Falls, Revealed

Oregon’s Niagara Falls, Revealed

A viewing area in Snøhetta's design for the new river walk (Courtesy of Snøhetta) It’s a sunny morning at Willamette…

8 years ago