Photo: The Seal River Watershed in northwest Manitoba is roughly the size of Nova Scotia, and is untouched wilderness. The...
New restoration and monitoring plan will help imperiled fish in Klamath Basin
Over 140 projects identified to revitalize functional ecosystems and support multiple native fish species Shortnose suckers (Koptu) are an imperiled...
NOW AVAILABLE: The State of Bay Delta Science 2022: primary production, invasive aquatic vegetation, remote sensing, harmful algal blooms, carbon sequestration, and more …
Tule and water hyacinth grow in the habitat surrounding the future location of the Lookout Slough Tidal Restoration Project, is...
Principal Aquifers of the United States
This principal aquifers map is available for download as a wall-map-sized PDF (14.4 MB), a printable PDF (1.7 MB), or...
From sewage to oasis: Female duo create Johannesburg green corridor
Merging art, science and activism, two women are on a mission to save one of the city’s biggest and most...