San Francisco

It’s time for California to let some of its thirsty farmland goIt’s time for California to let some of its thirsty farmland go

It’s time for California to let some of its thirsty farmland go

Some half a million acres of the most productive agricultural region on the planet — California’s San Joaquin Valley —…

6 years ago
California contemplates water for struggling fishCalifornia contemplates water for struggling fish

California contemplates water for struggling fish

In an unprecedented move, the state may require upstream users to cut water use to improve water quality in the…

6 years ago
California Adopts Landmark River Plan to Bring Back SalmonCalifornia Adopts Landmark River Plan to Bring Back Salmon

California Adopts Landmark River Plan to Bring Back Salmon

Photo: California is debating the future of the Merced River and others. (Steve Payer/California Department of Water Resources) [Pub. date:…

6 years ago
California’s water wars heat up at Sacramento hearing over river flowsCalifornia’s water wars heat up at Sacramento hearing over river flows

California’s water wars heat up at Sacramento hearing over river flows

At the Capitol on Monday, farmers protest a proposal by water officials to increase flows for the lower San Joaquin…

7 years ago
Defying water suppliers, Palo Alto backs Bay-Delta PlanDefying water suppliers, Palo Alto backs Bay-Delta Plan

Defying water suppliers, Palo Alto backs Bay-Delta Plan

Photo: Wapama Falls, far left, flows into the 117-billion-gallon Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite, the source of 85 percent of…

7 years ago