The Flint River is shown in downtown Flint April 20, 2016 in Flint, Michigan. Photo: Bill Pugliano (Getty Images) As...
IAEA Develops New Method to Track Sources of Water Pollution
Photo: Excessive nitrate in lakes, seas and rivers can increase algae growth that can lead to toxic blue-green blooms. The...
Dirtiest week for water in EPA history
Photo: © Getty Images Before the Clean Water Act was passed in 1972, our nation’s waters were in trouble. Lake...
A Water-Smart Future Is Just Around the Block
Many locations around the world are implementing inspirational projects to encourage the wise use of water while enhancing resilience to...
Florida lawmakers begin cracking down on polluters
Photo: City of Sarasota employees work to contain a sewage spill. Herald-Tribune archive (2011) Mike Lang But big questions remain...