SFWMD: Water district board OKs leasing reservoir’s land to sugar growerSFWMD: Water district board OKs leasing reservoir’s land to sugar grower

SFWMD: Water district board OKs leasing reservoir’s land to sugar grower

Environmentalists and state officials agree there's "no silver bullet," no single project that will seriously curtail discharges of excess Lake…

6 years ago
Large algae bloom forms on Lake Okeechobee, could repeat 2016Large algae bloom forms on Lake Okeechobee, could repeat 2016

Large algae bloom forms on Lake Okeechobee, could repeat 2016

(Above) A diagram from 2016 shows water flow in South Florida. (Allen Eyestone / The Palm Beach Post) Florida’s freshwater…

8 years ago
South Florida Water Shortage Warning: Lawn Watering LimitsSouth Florida Water Shortage Warning: Lawn Watering Limits

South Florida Water Shortage Warning: Lawn Watering Limits

At its April 13 meeting, the SFWMD Governing Board issued a water shortage warning for all 16 counties in the…

8 years ago