
The women fighting a pipeline that could destroy precious wildlifeThe women fighting a pipeline that could destroy precious wildlife

The women fighting a pipeline that could destroy precious wildlife

Activists travel past the site where the Bayou Bridge pipeline will cross underneath the Atchafalaya river. Photograph: Joe Whittle for…

6 years ago
Earthquakes in Heart of Texas Oil Country Spur Water CrackdownEarthquakes in Heart of Texas Oil Country Spur Water Crackdown

Earthquakes in Heart of Texas Oil Country Spur Water Crackdown

Chart: Earthquakes in Heart of Texas Oil Country Spur Water Crackdown (Bloomberg) -- Texas is considering new restrictions on how…

6 years ago
Fracking wastewater accumulation found in freshwater mussels’ shellsFracking wastewater accumulation found in freshwater mussels’ shells

Fracking wastewater accumulation found in freshwater mussels’ shells

Photo: The Elliptio complanate freshwater mussel, one of the two species used in the experiment. Credit: Westcott Phillip Elevated concentrations…

6 years ago
Intensification of the water footprint of hydraulic fracturingIntensification of the water footprint of hydraulic fracturing

Intensification of the water footprint of hydraulic fracturing

Abstract Unconventional oil and gas exploration in the United States has experienced a period of rapid growth, followed by several…

7 years ago
New study examines impacts of fracking on water supplies worldwideNew study examines impacts of fracking on water supplies worldwide

New study examines impacts of fracking on water supplies worldwide

Credit: Rosa, et al. (2018) Using hydraulic fracturing to extract oil and natural gas from shale is a common technique…

7 years ago