Sierra Nevada

How the 2019 winter washed away California’s drought

Photo: Aerial view of snow-capped Sierra Nevada mountains. Credit: NOAA Monday, March 25th 2019, 11:47 am - Every major reservoir…

6 years ago

It’s time for California to let some of its thirsty farmland go

Some half a million acres of the most productive agricultural region on the planet — California’s San Joaquin Valley —…

6 years ago

Defying water suppliers, Palo Alto backs Bay-Delta Plan

Photo: Wapama Falls, far left, flows into the 117-billion-gallon Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite, the source of 85 percent of…

6 years ago

NASA building new tools to manage water as climate dangers grow

After an unusually dry winter, a late-season storm finally soaked California in early March, piling up several feet of snow…

7 years ago

U.S.A. drought at worst level in nearly 4 years

California's first measure of snowpack for 2018 is coming up well below levels recorded the same time last year. And…

7 years ago