Residents of the township of Soweto, South Africa, queue for water Saturday, March 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay) JOHANNESBURG (AP)...
From sewage to oasis: Female duo create Johannesburg green corridor
Merging art, science and activism, two women are on a mission to save one of the city’s biggest and most...
Global coal industry using as much water as a billion people each year
We already know that coal-fired power plants are bad for the planet, but that’s usually because we are just thinking...
Water Quality and Emerging Pollutants: addressing new global challenges
Published 03.12.2018 – UNESCO Office in Jakarta Emerging pollutants are commonly defined as synthetic or naturally-occurring chemicals or microorganisms that...
The Water Crises Aren’t Coming—They’re Here
For eons, the earth has had the same amount of water—no more, no less. What the ancient Romans used for...