
Stanford researchers create model to help farmers reduce water usage

Dried plants and parched ground are seen outside Stanford in this 2014 Daily file photo. (Photo: KATHERINE CARR/The Stanford Daily)…

2 years ago

Could water utilities transform the way the electric sector did?

A mix of government incentives and regulations revamped the electricity sector. Could a similar approach work for water? Credit: Stocksy/Paul…

7 years ago

Share the Wealth: A Cap-And-Trade System of Water Conservation and Resiliency?

California has struggled with drought for most of the last decade. From 2011–2015, the state experienced the driest four-year stretch…

7 years ago

Study: most-accurate climate change models predict most-alarming outcomes

In this April 3, 2014 file photo giant machines dig for brown coal at the open-cast mining Garzweiler in front…

7 years ago