From the Office of the Governor: In anticipation of a multi-day, significant atmospheric river in Northern California, Governor Gavin Newsom today issued...
It’s Raining Stormwater NOVs in California
Photo: Adobe Stock / Romolo Tavani For many California industrial facilities, above average rainfall brought 60-day notices of violation from private...
CAL MATTERS: California’s urban runoff flows down the drain. Can the drought-plagued state capture more of it?
The Los Angeles River as seen from the 7th street bridge on the east side of Downtown Los Angeles. After...
Permeable pavements could reduce coho-killing tire pollutants
A returning Coho Salmon at the Suquamish Tribe’s Grovers Creek Hatchery in Poulsbo, WA. Photo by K. King, USFWS. […]...
Russian River environment: Taking the dirty out of stormwater
After the first few rains, our Sonoma County landscape transforms from parched golden brown to rich hues that host a...