
With Green Makeover, Philadelphia Tackles Its Stormwater Problem

A rain garden manages stormwater runoff in Philadelphia's Germantown section. Philadelphia Water Department Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia’s favorite son, described his…

7 years ago

A great water partner? An agency named geology: USGS

Who's this, hard at work assessing water resources? [Metropolitan Planning Council] uses research and data from the U.S. Geological Survey…

7 years ago

Dayton, Ohio storm drains: murals help keep contaminants out of waterways

Photo: City of Dayton Department of Water (storm drains). Art: Laura and Michael Huff The City of Dayton (Ohio) Department…

7 years ago

Removing Trace Metals From Stormwater at Industrial Hard Chrome Plating Facility

Industrial stormwater can contain trace metals above regulatory limits. Although standard water treatment processes are available to treat this water,…

7 years ago