
NASA-Led Study Pinpoints Areas of New York City Sinking, Rising

Photo: The land beneath the New York City area, including the borough of Queens, pictured here, is moving by fractions…

1 year ago

The US has pumped so much groundwater that it’s literally splitting the ground open across the American Southwest

Photo: A fissure tears open earth and roots in North Sulphur Springs Valley, Arizona. Joesph Cook/AZGS The United States has been…

1 year ago

California’s Central Valley was a landscape of lakes and marshes…

Art: An artist's 19th century depiction of Tulare Lake, now vanished. (Tulare County Library) …then we sucked it dry. Fly…

2 years ago

Feds say Tule groundwater could continue to sink

Despite groundwater sustainability plans, Bureau of Reclamation says capacity of Friant-Kern Canal could fall by another 10% in the coming…

5 years ago

Sinking Lands, Damaged Infrastructure: Will Better Groundwater Management End Subsidence?

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, work continues on managing groundwater for long-term sustainability, as required by California’s landmark…

5 years ago