surface water

Why Isn’t the LA Regional Board Doing More to Protect Groundwater?

Protecting Groundwater Through the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Can…

12 months ago
Understanding the connection between surface water, groundwater and the environment with Caitlin CornwallUnderstanding the connection between surface water, groundwater and the environment with Caitlin Cornwall

Understanding the connection between surface water, groundwater and the environment with Caitlin Cornwall

Photo: Caitlin Cornwall at Sonoma Creek next to one of Sonoma Ecology Center’s monitoring stations When Caitlin Cornwall walks along…

1 year ago
ACWA Releases New Policy Document on Headwaters HealthACWA Releases New Policy Document on Headwaters Health

ACWA Releases New Policy Document on Headwaters Health

A new policy document developed by ACWA encapsulates the association’s advocacy and recommendations for improving headwaters health. “Recommendations for Resilient…

2 years ago
Seven graphics explain the state of the world’s water resourcesSeven graphics explain the state of the world’s water resources

Seven graphics explain the state of the world’s water resources

Every person on Earth should have access to reliable water supplies. Water is essential for sanitation, hygiene and daily survival,…

5 years ago
Solar and wind energy preserve groundwater for drought, agricultureSolar and wind energy preserve groundwater for drought, agriculture

Solar and wind energy preserve groundwater for drought, agriculture

Using drought-prone California as a case study, a research team shows that increased solar and wind energy can reduce the…

5 years ago