
Intensification of the water footprint of hydraulic fracturing

Abstract Unconventional oil and gas exploration in the United States has experienced a period of rapid growth, followed by several…

6 years ago

El Paso Water Works to Beautify Facilities Throughout City

Imagine deeply rooted artistic rock walls adorned with wrought-iron detail enclosed the sleek, modern architecture of a new building. Water-smart…

6 years ago

Toilet to tap? Daytona Beach experiments with turning treated wastewater into drinking water

The city of Daytona Beach is part of a new pilot program to experiment with turning treated wastewater into drinking…

6 years ago

Penn State study: Spraying brine from drilling, fracking on roadways is hazardous

Spreading wastewater from non-shale oil and gas drilling and fracking on unpaved roads is a cheap way for municipalities to…

7 years ago

Cleansing the Air at the Expense of Waterways

Father Rodney Torbic, the priest at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, lives across the road from Hatfield’s Ferry and…

7 years ago