
Using sunlight to the max

Membranes of MXene have potential for water purification. Materials called transition-metal carbides have remarkable properties that open new possibilities in…

7 years ago

Antidepressants found in fish brains in Great Lakes region

A rock bass. This stock image may not be republished. Researchers have detected build-ups of human antidepressants in the brains…

7 years ago

Exploring the use of wastewater in agriculture

Once seen as a problem to be disposed of, municipal liquid waste is now being eyed as an option for…

7 years ago

Systemic Failure: Why 1 Million Californians Lack Safe Drinking Water

Small, cash-strapped water districts don’t have the financial, political or technological resources to treat some of the United States’ most…

7 years ago

Native American tribes fight for clean water, more money — Apsaalooke Nation

John Doyle watches Apsaalooke children play in the Little Bighorn River at Crow Agency, Mont. Despite the summer heat, children…

7 years ago